Come find your true identity & purpose!



At IBC Student Ministries, we understand that the four years spent in High School are some of the best but also some of the most challenging years of life.  We recognize the fact that many different things pull you in many different directions and we are all about helping you find your true identity and your true purpose in the person of Jesus Christ.  Our aim is to set you on as firm a foundation for future life as we possibly can and help you become, and remain, a vital part of the kingdom of God and your local church fellowship/body of Christ. 


Our Sunday morning small groups are a great time to hang out with friends and join in conversations about how, as God’s people, the Bible is and remains to this day, our ultimate authority.  It’s truths never change and it has the answers to all of life’s questions!


Middle School | 10:30am | Fellowship Hall – 2nd Floor – C Building

High School | 10:30am | Youth Room – 2nd Floor – D Building


Hey Parents! Stay in the loop with all the latest announcements and upcoming events by checking out our Image Youth Monthly Newsletters!



Our Wednesday night gatherings are a great time midweek to get together and study God’s Word. Students will experience church for their generation through music, games, and teaching.

Middle School | 6:00pm | Fellowship Hall – 2nd Floor – C Building

High School | 6:00pm | Youth Room – 2nd Floor – D Building


AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed and is taken from 2 Timothy 2:15, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”

The key focus of AWANA ministry is Scripture memorization, understanding and application. The AWANA handbooks clearly present the Gospel at an age-appropriate level, and initially focus on establishing a personal relationship between each clubber and Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The memory work, Bible studies and other fun activities continue to carefully give each clubber a Biblical worldview by building up their Bible knowledge and instilling in them a love and respect for God and His Word.
AWANA curriculum materials are designed to help parents and churches guide children in spiritual growth.

During the club year, students will have the opportunity to play fast paced games, memorize scripture, and hear from different special guests each week.

Students are assigned to a club based on their current age/grade:

  • Trek: 7th – 8th grade
  • Journey: 9th – 12th grade

Registration fees for the year per child are $30

Meet the Team

Dylan Jacobs

Minister of Middle School
About Dylan

My name is Dylan Jacobs and nothing brings me more joy than serving the Lord and his church alongside my wonderful wife, Adrian. Immanuel has been my church family for as long as I have been alive, and our student ministry was a huge part of my testimony. Now it is my honor to continue that legacy as I teach, disciple, and mentor your middle schoolers. I love reading books, enjoying great food, and I am a diehard fan of the Dallas Cowboys and Portland Trail Blazers. 

Contact Dylan

Tyler Perry

Minister of High School and Pastoral Care
About Tyler

My name is Tyler Perry, and I l express my love for Theology through teaching and discipling students. I have been at Immanuel since I was in 1st grade, saved, discipled, and called to ministry here working over 5 years in MS ministry at Immanuel, with 10 years of youth ministry experience (volunteer, part time, full time). My wife Kailey is the better of us two, and we enjoy anything outside (hiking, camping, travel, etc). Glad Peter had a dream (Acts 10:9-16).

Contact Tyler

Upcoming Student ministry events