We exist to glorify God by helping disciples to follow and share Christ.
Our Core Values
These four values determine who we are.
Scripture Driven
This determines who we become. God’s Word is the ultimate source of truth, and it tells us who God is, who we are, and how we are to live our lives. Because we start with the question, “What does Scripture say?”, our foundation is secure and our path forward is clear.
Worship Minded
This determines our outlook. Worship is attributing to God the praise He deserves. It is acknowledging His worth. A worshipful heart and mind influence how we view all of life, good times, bad times, and everything in between.
Family Focused
Service Oriented
This determines our commitments. As the people of God, we are called to serve God and others. Everything we do must display submission to our Lord and a desire to meet the spiritual and physical needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ and the world around us.
Our Vision
This shows where we are headed.
Discipling and Helping.
Being a disciple of Christ involves:
- Learning continually and living out the Christian faith with other believers
- Helping others as we serve Christ through His church, reflecting His love and sharing His gospel
- Resulting in a church that is stronger spiritually and growing numerically
Our Beliefs
While we believe in the basic cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith such as: