Welcome to Immanuel!
It’s our goal to make your first visit with us simple and inviting. Below you’ll find a listing of our service times, what you can expect when you visit a weekend service, and all the details you need for where to park and what to do when you get to our campus!
If you fill out the pop-up form, we’ll have a welcome team member ready to greet you before the service on Sunday morning. We’d love to take the time to introduce you to some of our leadership and our Guest Information Station will have a team of people that want to ensure you find a place here at Immanuel! We also want to answer any questions you might have about our church.
We can’t wait to meet you!
Service Times
In Person
9:00am & 10:30 Services
at our Main Highland Campus
9am & 10:30am
Online Services
stream at ibclive.org
Bangladesh Church
9:00am Service
Bangladesh church meets in the Chapel
What do I do when I get there?
Look for the Red Umbrellas!
If you’re coming this Sunday, we want you to have the best experience possible! Click the button below to let us know you’re coming. If you have any questions, our welcome team will be happy to assist. Our Guest Information Station will have a team of people that want to ensure you find a place here at Immanuel!

Listen to our Pastor’s Sermons
Each weekend our teaching team – led by our Senior Pastor, Chris Morgan – walks us through what Scripture says, what it means, and how we can apply it to our lives. Our teaching style is “exegetical” – which means we walk verse-by-verse through each book of the Bible. We dive into the ancient texts in their original context.
Worship with the Church family
“Worship” is attributing to God the praise He deserves. A worshipful heart and mind influence how we view all of life, good times, bad times, and everything in between. Our praise team helps us reach that place through song as the service begins.

What about my kiddos?
We’re here to support your family’s spiritual growth.
In IBC Kids, we know every family is different. What works for one may not be the best fit for another. That’s why we believe in offering a full range of exciting opportunities for kids and families to choose from!
Our page has a listing of what you can experience on a weekly basis and a list of current IBC Kids Events, and you can click the button below to pre-register your children before your visit! We’d love to streamline your experience on campus.